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Sophus Style Guide

Sophus is following the farm-ng style guide.

Transformations, points, velocities

Rigid body transform and points convention

Given a point in frame foo, bar_from_foo is the rigid body transform which maps the point to frame bar:

    point_in_bar = bar_from_foo * point_in_foo

Note that the frame names line up: bar - bar, foo - foo.

Some details

  • If necessary to resolved ambiguities, e.g. between rotations and rigid body transforms, we use a corresponding notation, e.g. bar_form_foo_rotation, bar_form_foo_se3s etc.

  • If we have a list (or vector, or map) of transforms we write:, e.g.:


  • Transforms with compound frame names, such as robot_base or left_camera, are written as follows::


  • For functions and methods we use camelCase. Examples::



  • We use the entity_in_frame conventions for points and other entities which have one frame attached to it. Examples:

    • point_in_camera
    • circle_in_image
    • camera_position_in_world (or short camera_in_world)
    • ...
  • When storing transforms / using them in interfaces, prefer the parent_from_child convention.

    E.g. world_from_sensor_rig, sensor_rig_from_camera, robot_from_imu (and not sensor_rig_from_world etc.).

    It is easier to reason about the pose of camera in the world frame, then the pose of the world origin in the camera frame.